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Nez Perce County Activities

The District works closely with Nez Perce County to identify projects that benefit salmon habitat recovery. Our objectives on a county wide basis are:

C1. Identify potential restoration opportunities through inventories of fish passage barriers and potential sediment sources on County maintained roads.

C2. Increase the amount of salmonid habitat by replacing stream crossings that are barriers to migration with structures that provide for passage.

C3. Improve water quality by treating identified sources of road related sediment.

Fish Passage and Sediment Source Inventories

Priorities for inventory work are Lapwai Creek followed by Catholic, Cottonwood, Pine, Hatwai, Bedrock and Jacks Creeks.

The District utilizes a combination of methods from the US Forest Service, Oregon Watershed Assessment Manual and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service to complete the fish passage and sediment source inventories. The District’s road erosion inventory protocol can be downloaded here:

Nez Perce County Road Erosion Protocol - 2012

Lapwai Creek

A fish passage assessment was completed in 2004. Documents available for download are:

Lapwai Creek Fish Passage Assessment – 2004

Tammany Creek

The road inventory and fish passage assessment was completed within the Tammany Creek watershed the fall of 2011. Documents available for download are:

Tammany Creek Road Erosion Inventory and Assessment - 2011

Tammany Creek Road Erosion Protocol - 2010

Catholic Creek

The road inventory and fish passage assessment was completed within the Catholic Creek watershed the summer of 2012. Documents available for download are:

Catholic Creek Road Erosion Inventory - 2012

Cottonwood Creek

The road inventory and fish passage assessment are scheduled for completion in 2013.

Stream Crossing Replacements

The Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District and Nez Perce County in cooperation with various funding entities partnered to complete stream habitat restoration at road and stream intersections. Projects are described below.

Cottonwood Creek Streambank Stabilization Project

Tom Beall Bridge Abutment Project

Mission Creek Bridge Project

Flat Iron Road Fish Passage Project

Water Quality Treatments

Nez Perce County, the Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District and several funding entities partnered to complete road related sediment reduction projects in order to improve water quality related concerns for salmonid habitat restoration. Projects are described below.

Cottonwood Creek Road Bank Stabilization Project

Central Grade Road Bank Stabilization Project

Vollmer Road Erosion Control Project

Tammany Creek Streambank Stabilization Project

Sanders Grade Sediment Control Project


Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District
27880 Chambers Road
Culdesac, ID 83524

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 131
Culdesac, ID 83524

Contact Us

Phone:  208-843-2931

Fax:  208-843-2234


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